Rolling Burgundy Wine Country

The Expression Off The Rolling Burgundy Wine Country

French wine has for a long time been renowned for being among the best in the world. Their vineyards and wine bottles remain reputable enough to command respect from all wine industry players around the world. There are certain parts of France that are home to countless vines and whose major economic activity is the production of wines. One such area is Burgundy. There are numerous reasons that make the wine in this part of the world worth buying. Not shockingly, their vines have been able to draw the attention of wine lovers across the whole globe. Even high profile US wine industries such as the Virginia based wineries have a lot of respect for Burgundy wines. But, what makes this part of the world such a unique source of wine?

Major Practices During The Grooming Of Grapes

One of the major reasons that make the French wines and particularly those in Burgundy distinguished is the fact that their grapes are groomed in the best way possible. The vine dressers are attentive to details of the grooming process. They are particularly concerned about the effects of diseases, the process of the fermenting and the choice of grapes on the final product. In this way, they are able to produce mouthwatering wine brands.

grooming of grapes
The vine dressers are attentive to details of the grooming process

The Standards That The Wine Industry In The Region Adheres To

Burgundy would certainly be the poorest in the world if its wine was not among the best. Thanks to the high standards that are associated with the wine that the region produces, the region now commands a lot of respect from wineries across the entire globe. The wine is produced from grapes that are not subjected to excessive sunlight and the alcohol content is carefully moderated. These attributes distinguish them from Italian and German wines.

The Influence Of French Law On The Industry

For many years now, the wine industry in France has been regulated by the state laws. What is worth mentioning is that the French laws require all wine brands to meet very high standards. For this reason, there is barely any brand of wine that is associated with low standards. Not surprisingly, the brands of wine produced by French wineries are all capable of competing favorably with brand from any part of the world.

The Varieties Of Wine

The region produces numerous varieties of wine. This is what makes it one of the most respected wine producing regions on earth. They have a broad range of brands to choose from depending on the preferences of the customer. There are varieties that have been fermented over many days and those that have undergone fermentation over a short period of time.

burgundy wine varieties
Burgundy produces numerous varieties of wine

Further, there are also varieties that have been stored for many years: some even as many as 100 years. Such brands are usually expensive because they acquire unique properties after being stored for countless years. There are also varieties on the basis of color. White wines are brands that have been produced without grape skins. It thus follows that the red wines are brands that are produced with grape skins. The quality of the red and white wines depends on how the grapes have been groomed and the way the fermentation process has been handled.

The Science Behind The Making Of Wine

Wine is generally made by experts. All the producers of wine in the Burgundy have taken their time to learn the science behind the creation of wine. It is worth mentioning that the science that governs the way wine is made is actually interesting. First of all, wine contains a substance that adds zest to the tongue. Further, wine that has stayed for a very long time becomes softer and smoother, while its rawness is also lost in the process. This substance commonly referred to as tanning is also found in tea.  More of this substance settles at the bottom of the wine during the storage process. White wine often has a small amount of tanning since it does not contain the grape skins. Part of the alcohol in the wine combines with oxygen to form acetaldehyde. This is responsible for the plush and marshmallow aroma that characterizes the wine.